Pastor Debra Allen
Pastor Debra Allen is first and foremost a Child of God. I am blessed to serve the First Church of God Christian Life Center as the Associate Pastor under the leadership of our Senior Pastor Monte’ L. G. Dillard, Sr. I have been a member of First Church since 1993. I was drawn to this church because First church was warm and welcoming. I could literally feel the love of God when I walked through the doors. The leadership here had a way of making The Word of God come to life! Little did I know that God was preparing me for a life of service to Him and His people. I was just trying to learn how to live a Christian life, but God had a much bigger plan in store for me.
One of my first opportunities to serve was in the capacity of Children’s Sunday School teacher. I have also served as one of three leaders of The Women’s Ministry here at First Church. I have also had the
honor of being in the teaching rotation for our Seniors. I have been most comfortable contributing in any way possible in the background. But God has a way of pushing us to where He wants us to be, rather than what we may think is best. The Ministry that had the greatest impact on my Spiritual development was Prison Ministry. I was a part of this team for many years and eventually became one of the leaders of this Ministry. The Lord used me in ways I never even considered possible. I learned that God changes those that want to be changed and uses those that will let Him!
I currently serve as one of the Adult Sunday School teachers. I oversee our Diaconate Ministry. I contribute to the development of our Ministers here at First Church and I make a concerted effort to support my Pastor in any way that I can. I love participating in various special annual events such as VBS, and our HELPS Conference. One of my greatest honors was to be invited to teach at our very first HELPS Conference. I also serve on various planning teams and support wherever and whenever needed.
As I have learned through the example of so many that God has placed along my path, I pray that He will use my life as an example to others as my journey continues. The love of God has shaped me into His servant, and I am forever grateful for that appointment.